Valkyrie True Crime
Welcome to Valkyrie - a true crime podcast.
A Valkyrie is a Norse mythological figure known to be the "chooser of the slain" in battles to be resurrected in Valhalla along side Odin. Known for being brave, strong, courageous, and fair while being fearsome fighters on the battlefield. So lock your doors, bolt your windows, and settle in for a discussion of the most dark, terrifying, and mysterious crime stories from around the world.
Valkyrie True Crime
Mother Faker - Amanda Riley - San Jose, CA
Valkyrie True Crime
Episode 9
When a California woman falls sick from cancer, she turns to donations to get support for her family during her illness. Unfortunately, after she goes too far and gaping holes show up in her story, her scam becomes apparent. This is the story of Amanda Riley.